Hello loyal Fanon!
I've been gone for a while, huh? Well the wine tasters accepted my application and welcomed me with open arms. Unfortunately, we didn't see eye-to-eye on some matters, and had some kind of a falling out. But let's just say I taught them a lesson they won't forget...
The Whereabouts
Well, in all seriousness, I started my second year at college the week after my last post. I've been toiling away at school work and deadlines and trying to fit in game and art stuff too. I was pretty quiet until the other week, mostly because I didn't want to show any game stuff too early. I've been back in the groove of making stuff every day, and having a slow productive struggle putting a new game together.
I wanted a demo out for Halloween, but I'm not super confident I'll be able to finish it in 10 days. Either way, I'll put out something fun for Newgrounds from it!
I starting putting out some art pieces earlier this month. I started the Inktober challenge 5 days in and then got a little burnt out. I like the idea of having 31 art pieces on my Newgrounds this year (as opposed to zero) so I'm gonna do all 31 prompts before the end of the year (in no particular order). Keep an eye out!
The Writeabouts
So the blog. I definitely wanna write about one or two more of my past projects, whenever I get around to it. I'm interested in reviewing (or just chatting about) games and shows that I've been enjoying recently. I get apprehensive about sharing my opinions on stuff like that but I might as well! If you're on this blog you're here for me anyway. And finally there's a few videos I've been wanting to put together for a while now, so those'll be post stand-ins sometimes.
As for the schedule, deadlines make me procrastinate, so I'm gonna freeball it for now. Set up your RSS feeds, because who knows when I'm gonna post!
Thanks for reading, I've gotta go get back to f***ing work! On stuff and crap!! That I'm making!!
🐒See you next post!🐒